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Membership Benefits

Membership Period: January-December. Please renew membership as early as possible in Term 1.

By joining ATOM WA you are not only helping to give Media Teachers in WA a voice, but you will also gain access to the growing number of services we offer.

These services include professional networking events, professional development opportunities, collegial support, and the ATOM WA email group. Additionally, only members are given the opportunity to purchase examinations.

Professional Community

Connect with a community of passionate Media Educators in Western Australia through networking events.

Professional Learning

Update your professional knowledge and practice by attending workshops and accessing resources curated by our community.

Quality Resources

Members have the exclusive opportunity to purchase ATAR MPA examinations designed by highly experienced educators.

Australian Teachers of Media Western Australia Inc primarily supports media educators in Western Australia. Members can choose to sign up to receive communication from the ATOM List when purchasing membership.

ATOMWA Inc is also lending a hand to support design educators in Western Australia in the early stages of formation. ATOMWA membership allows members to join both media and design educator lists.

Purchasing Membership

Prices listed below are for the 2025 calendar year.  ATOM WA memberships run from 1 January to 31 December each year, regardless of the date of purchase.


Our cut-price rate for university students. ATOM WA membership is a great way to meet other media teachers and find out about employment opportunities.  This membership includes read and write access to the ATOM WA inc email group as well as discounts for PD, conferences and special offers.


A school membership is for 1 – 5 media teachers/lecturers working in a primary, secondary or tertiary environment.  This membership includes read and write access to the ATOM WA inc email group as well as discounts for PD, conferences and special offers.

  • An associate membership is paid by a non-teaching individual (not the school or institution – e.g.  a person on leave, retiree/unemployed etc).  This membership includes read and write access to the ATOM WA inc email group as well as discounts for PD, conferences and special offers.
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